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heated vest

Back to School Wearing Volt Heated Clothing

July 26, 2017

Back-To-School. Yes, it is that time of the year again - time to prepare your kids for another school year packed with emotions and knowledge. Together with all the necessary school materials, you need to also equip your children with the best clothing for the coming Winter/Fall semester.  A good place to find quality products that will keep all your family warm on the cold winter’s days and nights is Voltheat.com.  Volt Heated Clothing has established itself as one of the top Heated Clothing companies in the country and can offer you unmatched quality, style and warmth.

What makes Volt products unique is the Zero Layer Heating System which helps eliminate the bulk and increases heat transfer. This system is patented and its effectiveness has Heated Vestbeen scientifically tested to deliver deep penetrating heat for you and your family’s cold weather needs.  Where the Volt products are different from comparable products is that  Volt heated clothing is lightweight and the heating system feels like part of the garment rather than making it heavy and uncomfortable.

It is more than amazing that the rechargeable heat can be just a push of a button away! Your kids won’t need to go to school with piles of layers on just to stay warm - not this winter. The heated vests, for instance, are a great pick for the cool weather which is typical for the beginning of winter. The Volt Heated Vests are powered by a rechargeable lithium-ion battery pack. Due to that the heating can go on for 2 to 8 hours depending on the power level chosen. Additionally, the vests are made up of a super soft material which insulates you from the cold.

Heated jacketBut of course, the best clothing for a cold winter’s day would be a heated jacket. You can choose between many different styles and types of heated jackets and pullovers on Volt’s website. There is something both for your son and for your daughter. The Volt Heated Jackets can be worn out on a Friday night because style counts and at Voltheat.com we understand. 

Volt also has a lot to offer you when it comes to heated scarves, heated gloves, and heated slippers. In fact, the company was founded with the very thought of finding a solution to chronically cold feet.  The result of this effort was the first product which happened to be heated slippers. Now the new smart heated slippers come in different colors and sizes so adults and children may benefit from warm feet. With an extremely robust outsole, the slippers can be used indoors and outdoors making them extremely versatile for all ages.

It is important to prepare your kids for the upcoming winter semester.  With high-quality materials and workmanship, the Volt Heated Clothing products will last for winters to come.

Do you have any questions or comments? Let us know what you think in the response area below. We always welcome your interaction with our team.

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