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Say Hello To Warm Feet! NEW Indoor & Outdoor Heated Boots: The Lava Boots

Say Hello To Warm Feet! NEW Indoor & Outdoor Heated Boots: The Lava Boots

September 23, 2021

Say hello to warm feet...and goodbye to the cold!

Finally, what you've been waiting for! No more cold feet (no pun intended).

These super warm, extremely comfortable and lightweight heated boots can be worn inside and outside- perfect for yard work, long walks, jobs that require being in cold temperatures for long periods of time or simply enjoy some warmth and coziness at home!

Zero Layer® heat system eliminates bulk while providing more efficient heat transfer.

Simply charge them up and enjoy soothing warmth for 7 to 14 hours on a single charge. Choose from 3 power level settings using the one touch controller switch built into the boots, or download the Volt Heated Clothing app and regulate your desired power level setting using your phone.

They were designed based on years of customer feedback asking for a lightweight heated boot they could use both indoors and outdoors. You wanted it warmer, we did that. You wanted it to last longer per charge, we did that. You wanted a smaller, thinner unnoticeable battery, we did that. We then put it over the top by bumping up the heat output by using our 8v heating system that provides even more heat than you have been used to before. We hope you love them as much as we do.

Make them your everyday shoe whether it is at the house, the cabin or even the mountain trail.



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